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Differences Between In-Person and Virtual Communication—Quantified

by Noah Zandan and David Murray When COVID-19 first emptied workplaces and sent employees scattering to their home offices, the question on company leaders’ minds was, “How do we communicate virtually?” But as we’ve become accustomed to videoconferences and cleared the initial hurdles of remote work, leaders are revising the question, asking not only how…

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How to Achieve the Ideal Setup for Video Calls

For the foreseeable future, at least, it seems video communication is here to stay. In a recent survey we conducted with Harvard Business Review (HBR), 86 percent of respondents said they are satisfied with their communication via video conference, and 70 percent anticipate using video conferencing the same amount as today or more, even after social…

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The Ultimate Guide to Effective Communication Skills

Communication is an essential skill in today’s world. It’s the key to persuasion, role modeling, and moving others to take action. In the workplace, it’s critical for moving up the career ladder, maintaining employee engagement, building customer relationships, inspiring investors, and developing a great reputation within the community.

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How We Benchmark and Assess Communication Skills

If you’re like me, I’d imagine you’ve wondered how you or your team compares to the top performers in your role. In almost every facet of your business, improvement goals are set based on objective benchmarks — where are we now, where do we need to be, and what would best-in-class performance look like?

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Best Practices for Leading Company Culture in a Digital World

Introducing Quantified’s new webinar series, supporting leaders as they navigate management in a transformed business environment. Best Practices for Leading Company Culture in a Digital World May 22, 1:00 p.m. CDT Register here The way we work, learn and interact with the world at large changed almost overnight with the COVID-19 pandemic. Suddenly, remote work…

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