How Mock Sales Call Exercises Should Fit in Your Sales Training Program

How Mock Sales Call Exercises Should Fit in Your Sales Training Program

Cold calls are almost universally hated—in fact, 63% of salespeople call them the worst part of the job. Of course, sales reps have to do more than cold calling. There are follow-up calls, sales demos, calls for retaining relationships, and (especially for key accounts) calls for customer support. Calls remain one of the most important…

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5 Strategies to Prep Your Sales Team for Success

Sales skills take practice. But having new—or even experienced—reps practice sales calls on hard-won qualified leads or referrals can make anyone balk: what if the call goes badly? It’s not just the sale on the line; it’s also your business’s reputation. At the same time, giving reps cold leads to practice on can quickly burn…

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How to Get Your Sales Team Engaged in Role Play Sales Training

How to Get Your Sales Team Engaged in Role Play Sales Training

When training managers mention role-play sales training, one word comes to mind for most salespeople (and the managers themselves): cringe. It’s awkward and embarrassing for several reasons, not least that most people dislike performing and like getting judged on performance even less. However, this discomfort doesn’t change a core truth about role-playing: it’s one of…

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Stop Promoting Your Best Sales Reps to Managers—Here’s Why

Stop Promoting Your Best Sales Reps to Managers—Here’s Why

Top sellers are the backbone of your sales team. Leadership teams want to replicate that talent and disperse those skills among other reps. So it makes logical sense to promote your top sellers, right? Not exactly. There’s a name for this—the “Peter Principle.” We promote based on people’s success in their current role without considering…

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How to Upskill Your Sales Team with On Demand Role-Play Simulations

Today’s marketplace and technological landscapes are marked by constant change. Rapid advancements in technology, new entrants into the competitive arena, and quickly evolving expectations and demands from customers all contribute to a selling environment in which the challenges sales organizations face seem to increase almost daily. As a result, selling skills that were once top-of-the-line…

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7 Tips for Hitting Your Sales Efficiency Targets

7 Tips for Hitting Your Sales Efficiency Targets

In 2022, over 20% of surveyed sales leaders listed leveraging their company CRM as a top priority for the year ahead. But what does this goal actually look like? How can you measure it? How do you know if it’s the right goal to prioritize in the first place?  Setting sales goals is an important…

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8 Ways ChatGPT Can Help to Improve Sales Skills and Knowledge

8 Ways ChatGPT Can Help to Improve Sales Skills and Knowledge

According Salesforce’s 2023 “State of Sales” report, today’s selling environment is particularly challenging: almost 70% of sales professionals say that selling is harder now than it used to be. As the report notes, the sales landscape has become “both more competitive and resource constrained” due to factors such as supply chain disruptions, global inflation, and…

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How-to-Shorten-Your Time-to-Productivity-With-Better-Sales -raining-Onboarding

How to Shorten Your Time to Productivity With Better Sales Training Onboarding

Hiring customer-facing employees is both a gamble and a long-term investment. Companies hiring new employees might have to wait up to six months before breaking even. The risk of frequent turnover, a slow burn to full productivity, and changing market norms that make it feel like sales teams are constantly playing catch-up with customer expectations…

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What Are Sales Training Simulations & How to Integrate Them Into Your Program?

In 2023, sales training simulations address a new concern that sales managers are just beginning to face return anxiety. As employees return to work after extended periods of remote work or reenter the workforce after COVID-related interruptions, companies find they can resolve return anxiety through experiential learning. Sales training simulations fit the bill: they provide…

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Revolutionizing Sales Training with Generative AI

The world of sales training has been waiting for a game-changer, and it’s finally here. has emerged as an industry leader by leveraging the power of Generative AI technology to create a cutting-edge sales simulator that is both immersive and effective.  In this blog post, we’ll explore how is revolutionizing sales training with…

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