Traditional vs. AI-Powered Sales Coaching

A sales team is the heart of the revenue engine for any business, but only a well-trained sales team can provide the level of growth your organization needs. G2 puts the importance of sales training in much starker terms: “Effective sales coaching can improve win rates by as much as 29%. If your sales reps…

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How to Improve Sales Performance with Web-Based and AI Tools

How to Improve Sales Performance with Web-Based and AI Tools

Sales tactics are radically different today than they used to be. Businesses must stay ahead of the competition by training their team to sell effectively using proven techniques. Unfortunately, sales managers and coaches of large and dispersed sales teams cannot easily evaluate, give personal guidance, and coach each sales rep. Instead, sales teams usually get…

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male candidate handshaking with manager after successful job interview

Guide to Hiring a Sales Manager in 2024

Executive Summary: In 2024, the market is evolving rapidly, making it crucial for organizations to adapt their hiring strategies. Finding the right sales manager is more important than ever to ensure your sales team performs at its best and stays ahead of the competition. Before hiring a sales manager, know what a sales manager does…

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Computer with Sales Readiness Tools

Sales Readiness Tools: The Role of AI-Based Training

Sales Readiness Tools for Virtual Sales Interactions Regardless of their industry, sales teams around the world have been forced to transform their sales-readiness programs. In the process, sales managers have found the way they deliver training has become even more pivotal.  The following data from Harvard Business Review (HBR) can be helpful in illustrating current…

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Can Digital Technologies Make Us Better Humans?

Much of the hesitation we see around embracing digital technologies in our workplaces, homes, vehicles, social lives, etc. stem from the fear that artificial intelligence and its digital siblings will ultimately automate away human purpose — it will take away our jobs, our agency, and even our need to communicate with one another. At Quantified, we…

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The New Science of Training Sales Reps

When it comes to satisfaction at work, the ability to achieve our individual and collective goals is paramount. For many professionals and teams, however, the biggest obstacle to those achievements is the lack of opportunity to develop and hone the skills that are foundational to success.

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