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Determining Whether an EdTech Program Is Right for Your Institution

Education technology companies raised nearly 1.5 billion in 2018, according to EdSurge, eclipsing 2017 investments and demonstrating that the booming edtech industry has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. But with the proliferation of choices in this ever-growing field, how can higher education institutions determine which—if any—of the innovations promising to improve student outcomes…

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Paving the Way for Technology Implementation in Higher Education

In any large institution or organization, programmatic change is often met with resistance. And this is especially true in the tradition-oriented higher education world—and especially when the proposed change is adoption of a new technology platform. This may come from fear of how new systems will impact everything from day-to-day work to policies and procedures…

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Motivating Students to Participate in Online Learning

Whether they’re developing a standalone online course or a digital supplement to a traditional, 300-person seminar, creators of online courses face one critical challenge: how to motivate students to participate fully, internalizing the information and honing the skills these lessons intend to convey.

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