
Can Enablement Deliver Results that Executives Care About - and Believe?

The world of enablement is changing, driven by economic shifts, technological advancements, and a new paradigm in sales leadership and operations. As the pace of change accelerates, enablement professionals face a crisis of credibility: continue with the status quo and risk obsolescence or embrace new approaches and tools to redefine their impact on the business.

This webinar explores how enablement can not only keep pace but become a driving force for innovation and results that matter to executives. Join us to discover practical strategies for leveraging AI and behavior-centered approaches to fuel your organization's enablement evolution.

Key Learning Points:

  • Learn how to align enablement strategies with executive priorities for tangible business impact.
  • Discover how AI and innovative tools can transform enablement practices for better outcomes.
  • Gain insights into Behavior-Centered Enablement and how it can be applied in your organization.

Hear firsthand experiences on navigating change and driving success.

About your hosts:

Jerry Pharr

Jerry Pharr
Owner, Sales Excellence Advisors

Jerry Pharr is a veteran enablement & operations leader for high-growth tech companies. Over the course of more than a decade at companies like Outreach and Redis, he's architected and implemented a systems-driven approach to enablement called Behavior-Centered Enablement. This approach serves as the foundation for his current sales performance consultancy, Sales Excellence Advisors. Jerry is one of the original founders of the Sales Enablement Society and is an advisor to multiple tech startups on their GTM and revenue operations strategies.

Noah Headshot (1)

Noah Zandan brings a unique blend of behavioral science, AI expertise, and financial acumen to the enablement conversation. As CEO and co-founder of Quantified.ai, Noah's work focuses on empowering human performance through cutting-edge technology. His background on Wall Street, combined with his academic credentials from Dartmouth and Kellogg School of Management, positions him perfectly to address the challenges and opportunities in today's dynamic enablement landscape.

What our clients are saying

"Quantified provides a realistic sales presentation experience. It allows our sales representatives to present and answer real questions they will encounter from our prospects."

Greg Tolmachoff

VP of Sales Operations, OpenLending

"With Quantified, we really felt that we had found our solution. It was super easy for the learners, and the managers were able to start coaching right away."

Chrissy Richards

Director of Commercial Training, Sanofi

"This is the biggest sales no-brainer I've seen in my sales career."

Kevin Kutler

Head of Training, Regeneron

“This is super. Thanks for making us look good!”

SVP, Talent & Culture, Dell

“This is transforming how we do sales management and coaching. The insights are driving significant growth”

Organizational Development, Global Sales & Customer Operations, Dell

"I love the ability for my reps to get practice without being concerned about who is looking at the video. It's like a personal AI coach for each of them. And this saves me a ton of time!”

Sales Manager

Fortune 200 Pharmaceutical Company